Sunday, January 31, 2021

You might be a digital immigrant if…



Some of us digital immigrants could be accused of having an eight-track mind, he-he!

You might be a digital immigrant if…

Someone starts talking about the TikTok they just posted and you ask them what kind of clock they have.

You interrupt a conversation with someone younger so you can Google what they just said. 

You tell a grandchild to “dial” a phone number. 

You try to join in conversation with millennials about Batman, but you start talking about Robin and receive only blank stares. 

You look for a pencil and paper to write down someone’s phone number and they reply “just text my phone.”

You go out to Starbucks with your millennial coworkers but need someone to translate the menu board for you.

You order a meal online and see that meats are called “proteins.”

You remember word-for-word a Beatles tune but you can’t remember what you bought your wife as an anniversary present a month ago. 

Your bladder tyrannically controls your plans for the day. 

You spend a lot of time frantically searching for your glasses when they’re on top of your head. 

You frantically search for your iPhone when it’s in your hands. (Okay that’s when you raise the white flag of surrender.)

Your idea of a great Friday night involves sitting at home watching the classic movie channel. 

Okay, what are some of yours? PLEASE SHARE! 

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