Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Try out these 8 cool web resources

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

— Whether you’re bored and lonely due to COVID-related isolation or up for learning some new challenges, here are eight great resources for you to check out today:

Keep learning - There are seemingly limitless opportunities for learning that are free or inexpensive, whether you want to learn a craft or learn business principles from successful entrepreneurs. Khan Academy is one of my favorites because of the wide range of subjects and it’s well-designed interface. And it’s free. Though geared towards young learners, there are plenty of courses on life skills, like travel or personal finance. Another great one is iTunesU, with ever-expanding offerings, right on your iPhone.

Got experience? Share your knowledge - Consider becoming a mentor. Opportunities abound in education, business and other areas. Read this article and be inspired.

Find Entertainment - if you have cable or satellite, you might be tempted to ditch them, given the increasing number of live streaming and on-demand programming options available now. You can watch on your phone and tablet— or your TV. Some have practically unlimited DVR recording. Many are cheaper than cable or satellite, and many are free, like Airy.TV.

I didn’t know my phone could do that! Take a tour of your phone and find out how many little-known things there are you can do with your phone. What’s flying overhead? I just KNOW that song — who’s singing it? Where can I get the cheapest gas?

Read stuff - Old magazines might have been a bad thing in the waiting room of doctors offices, but it’s possible to access a variety of magazines online free from many sites. Here’s a favorite site for old magazines and books to browse.

Get inspired - each day there are thousands of hours of new podcasts produced for every interest, from Bible teaching programs to news commentary to Celtic music shows. If your vehicle has Bluetooth, a good podcast is great company on your road trip or commute. Go to your phone’s podcast app, or check this one out. RightNow Media, a subscription-based video service normally offered through churches (if they subscribe), is currently offering free content, doing their part during the COVID pandemic.

Take a virtual vacation - Google Maps offers detailed satellite imagery from around the world. Click on a place and you can get 360 degree views of breathtaking places, plus detailed information on food, lodging and directions on how to get there. There are free apps for your smartphone or tablet, and on a computer just go to google.com/maps.

You oughta be in pictures - Chances are your smartphone, tablet or computer has a pretty decent video camera. YouTube offers a great platform for someone to share their knowledge/hobby/interest, and you can even edit your creation. Other great platforms include Vimeo and DailyMotion.

If you know of others, let me know!

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