Monday, April 12, 2021

Checking the Waters

Black River flows through the area where I was born and raised. It was there where I learned valuable life skills of swimming and navigating a boat, canoe or inner tube safely through the waters. My hometown of Kingstree, South Carolina sits at the head of navigation for Black River. Those who have traveled its navigable length will tell you of the river’s serpentine twists and turns and often confusing divergent channels that mimic the main channel. The inky black water often hides tree stumps, fallen logs or old bridge pilings, promising a heart-stopping encounter for an unwitting boater. Swirling eddys, also troublesome and scary. Not to mention snakes and the occasional gator. In times of low water, sandbars make proceeding along the River challenging. If the water level is a little higher, you can navigate with a small boat and pull off at a sandbar for a break. The small meandering channel can be a deadly, flooding torrent as well. 

Sounds a bit like our digital life. 

Entering my golden years, I developed a mission of helping to light the way for digital immigrants (folks over 50) as we navigate strange waters and confusing, divergent channels. I’m committed to curating relevant content from reliable sources, presenting posts that serve as lighted channel markers along the way. 

Oh, yeah, the blog itself will go on, and sometimes serious stuff must be addressed, which I’ll leave for the experts, through posts I’ll pass along. At the same time, I’m going to pull out onto a wide sandbar more often and play in the water a bit. There are concerning things going on all around us, but sometimes you’ve got to have light-hearted moments. 

Stay tuned. It’ll be fun.

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